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Purdue University 



CASC Chapter                                                                                                                        



Purdue University is the home of the coalition’s Webmaster, Jon Shearer.  Shearer orchestrated the period of rapid growth recently experienced by CASC, and is responsible for taking the organization from the backyard of the Graber residence to college campuses nationwide.



                 Here is an aerial view of the battlegrounds                                          Cary Quadrangle is the base of operations

                   at Purdue where the squirrels dominate                                                          for Purdue’s chapter



The squirrel presence on the West Lafayette campus of Purdue University is undeniable.  Squirrels are seen on all parts of campus, and there are usually several in a group.  It can only be assumed that they are constantly plotting the downfall of the student population.  The first course of action should be to scout the area and find the homes of these squirrels.  Effective special operations work to remove enemy acorn stashes will put pressure on the squirrel community to give up.  Be on guard at all times, because you can be sure they are watching you!




                       Here is Purdue’s location in Indiana                                          The Special has potential as an anti-squirrel

                 It is currently the only Indiana-based chapter                                              herding and assault vehicle



Membership in the Purdue Chapter is rising everyday.  Be sure to mail Jon if you wish to pledge your support to the cause.




Visit the Purdue CASC Message Board


Check back often for updates!